Kingdom Carnage

About this Project

Kingom Carnage started out as a 12 hours game-jam project at Stolen Shoes Entertainment. Before the game-jam we had a brief time to figure out what kind of a game we would create, the jam didn't have a specific theme to it, so me and a coworker decided to create a fun physics based local-multiplayer party game.

Me and my coworker decided to use some assets from the Asset Store, mainly Puppetmaster for the Ragdoll physics as well as Polygon Knights pack for models etc. Animations were acquired from Mixamo. After the jam we got the basic fundamentals for the game except funcional weapon damage.

After the jam, I started working on Kingdom Carnage myself in my free time, expanding it into what it is today. Currently the game has 2-4 player local play with three maps, basic town map, arena map and testing grounds which is used to test out new mechnics and fool generally fool around. Kingom Carnage has a functional weapon system with limb damage, blocking, parrying and work fantastically with the ragdoll physics system, allowing for some fun interactions.

The game is now on hold due to not having time to develop this, but I am still very eager to take this game to the next level, since I believe it could be something fun "local party gamers" like myself would enjoy!

Asset packs used:


Polygon Knights Pack

Due to it having bought assets, github is private but if your interested in this, send me an email! :)


Windows *Engine/Language
Unity3D (C#)

Project Main Focuses

Local multiplayer party game
Fun physics based PvP
Weapon pickups and limb based damage
Interactive game levels


Game Jam: 12 hours. After the Game Jam I roughly expanded this for one month.

Kingdom Carnage

Contact me

Please contact me at or  Linkedin if you want to get in touch.